
July 9, at someone’s farm, we will gather again to discuss tough stuff, like making ends meet, or, culling losses we love.  The money works itself out when the rest of the picture works well.  Farm School cannot meet the needs of every farmer.   Only individuals can do that.  I am an unschooler, and as such, I see my role as facilitator, follower, resource-gatherer and believer.  I have faith in my children. I have faith in farmers.  I will follow your journey if you want me to, and provide resources as I find them, because I love farms.

Secondly, we will gather to clarify common purpose.  Again, Farm School cannot be all things to all people.  We can understand, walk in your shoes, see your world view and love you. But at the end of the day, as we watch the sun set, our moral core remains rooted deep in the earth and it’s well-being.  Projects in that spirit are the winds that move our branches.

Guest speakers have not been identified yet for this gathering. I’m open to suggestions.  Last meeting we were all on different pages and though the content was dense and good, the application varies as widely as the individuals.  I think it’s time for some small-group action steps. But first, we have to become better friends.  At times, as often happens, there was more education happening in the informal moments than the formal ones.

So join in, July 9th.  Email us:, and we shall see…

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