Carol Hewitt Made the Day!

A dozen small farmers gathered in the warmth of Dawn Breaker Farms’ living room, as late winter rain poured down outside.  Carol Hewitt shared stories of  requesting and gathering funds, from hundreds to a few thousand, for that tractor or roll of row cover.  “The last check you write should bounce”, she quipped.  Carol has a philosophy about money and it’s not about accumulation and the next generation; her legacy advice has more to do with using money like seeds and soil: regeneratively, creatively, to grow more resources.

I drove away thinking of others in the community whom I might call upon, and the thought emerged that I need to bring in our mentors, our ‘elders’ who have put in a few decades at the small farm game.  Maybe Alex or Cathy will come next time.  I will ask them.

What a privilege to spend time with people of substance: people who have chosen a path and walk it well. I am sinking into this community. The roots that bind me here have held strong, and as the wrinkles begin to line my face, I feel my core softening.  As my wood turns dowdy, I will gladly fall in place with the hope that somehow my being here brought a bit of fresh air to those with whom I’ve had the gift of growing alongside.

Be well, beloveds.